Green card
Green Card is a legal compulsory for damage coverage resulted from traffic accidents (property damage or bodily injuries) caused by vehicle owners to third parties abroad.
Green card insurance is made for the following areas:
- Belarus and Ukraine;
- Belarus, Russia and Ukraine;
- All countries of "Green Card" system.
Are covered:
The amounts that the insured is obligated to pay, as compensation for damage caused to third persons as a result of body injury or death, as well as property damage or destruction by an accident with vehicle indicated in the insurance certificate "Green Card".
The expenses incurred in a civil process by the insured whether he was forced to compensation, expenses for attorney's fees, legal fees, expertise expenses proved with documents.
Insurance contracts are concluded for a period from 15 days up to one year.
The share of insurance premium is determined in dependence of the countries that insurer visits, the type of vehicle and insurance term.
The liability limits and risks covered by the insurer comply with the legislation of the country where the accident occurred.
Insured must keep the certificate "Green Card" with particular attention, because in case of its damage or theft, is not issued duplicate!
Certificate "Green Card" can be terminated only in cases absolutely special and documented, and only when the insurance period is not less than a month