National Theatre "Mihai Eminescu"
- State Russian Drama Theatre. A. P. Chekhov
- Municipal Youth Drama Theatre "From Rose Street"
- Republican Puppet Theatre "Licurici"
- Studio of theatrical improvisation
- National Philharmonic of Sergey Lunkevich
- National Opera and Ballet Theater
- Organ Hall
- Republican Theatre "Luceafarul"
First stable theater of Romanian expression in Bessarabia, whose successor is the today's National Theater in Chisinau, this pilot of the culture between the Prut and Dniester, was born on 10 October 1920. On the initiative of the foremost of the public life, headed by S.T. Nitsa, the Minister of Bessarabia in the government of Romania, Sh. Ciobanu, the member of the Romanian Academy, writers N.N. Beldicianu, N. Beldman, A. Donich and the director G.M. Dumitriu. The first season opened with the show «Fantana Blanduziei» by V Alexandria. This troupe worked one season, having played 25 premiers.
The resonant performances of this theater include: "The Lost Letter" by I.L. Caragiale, directed by E. Ureke, "Ovidius" by V. Alexandria, the director V. Gerlak, "Takeo, Janke and Kadyr" by V.I. Popa, director V. Kupcha, "King Lear" by Shakespeare, directed by V. Gerlak, "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare, directed by A. Baleanu, "The Inspector General" by N.V. Gogol, etc.. The lucky creative tandem formed between the playwright D. Matkowski and director V. Apostol; performances of "Papa", "President", "The tree of life" and «Abecedarul» played an important role in the movement of national revival.